OIC Countries

OIC Countries

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Salam Aidilfitri

Kepada semua kaum Muslimin dan Muslimat, khusus buat keluarga di Malaysia (mcmla aku kat luar Malaysia)... Selamat Hari Raya, Maaf Zahir dan Batin... Kepada yang mengenali diri ini jemputlah datang ke rumah ye, kpd kwn2 di UiTM 2010 dan Ex MPP UiTM Perak '06-07.. Ex SMK Syed Mashor '04 and to all my lecturers..Salam Lebaran(",)

Pesan Lukman Al-Hakim

01 - Hai anakku: ketahuilah, sesungguhnya dunia ini bagaikan lautan yang dalam, banyak manusia yang karamke dalamnya. Bila engkau ingin selamat, agar jangan karam, layarilah lautan itu dengan SAMPAN yang bernamaTAKWA, ISInya ialah IMAN dan LAYARnya adalah TAWAKKAL kepada ALLAH.
02 - orang - orang yang sentiasa menyediakan dirinya untuk menerima nasihat, maka dirinya akan mendapat penjagaan dari ALLAH. Orang yang insaf dan sedar setelah menerima nasihat orang lain, dia akan sentiasa menerima kemulian dari ALLAH juga.
03 - Hai anakku; orang yang merasa dirinya hina dan rendah diri dalam beribadat dan taat kepada ALLAH,maka dia tawadduk kepada ALLAH, dia akan lebih dekat kepada ALLAH dan selalu berusaha menghindarkan maksiat kepada ALLAH.
04 - Hai anakku; seandainya ibubapamu marah kepadamu kerana kesalahan yang dilakukanmu, maka marahnya ibubapamu adalah bagaikan baja bagi tanam tanaman.
05 - Jauhkan dirimu dari berhutang, karena sesungguhnya berhutang itu boleh menjadikan dirimu hina di waktu siang dan gelisah di waktu malam.
06 - Dan selalulah berharap kepada ALLAH tentang sesuatu yang menyebabkan untuk tidak mendurhakai ALLAH. Takutlah kepada ALLAH dengan sebenar benar takut ( taqwa ), tentulah engkau akan terlepas dari sifat berputus asa dari rahmat ALLAH.
07 - Hai anakku; seorang pendusta akan lekas hilang air mukanya karena tidak dipercayai orang dan seorang yang telah rusak akhlaknya akan sentiasa banyak melamunkan hal hal yang tidak benar. Ketahuilah,memindahkan batu besar dari tempatnya semula itu lebih mudah daripada memberi pengertian kepada orang yang tidak mahu mengerti.
08 - Hai anakku; engkau telah merasakan betapa beratnya mengangkat batu besar dan besi yang amat berat, tetapi akan lebih lagi daripada semua itu, adalah bilamana engkau mempunyai tetangga (jiran) yang jahat.
09 - Hai anakku; janganlah engkau mengirimkan orang yang bodoh sebagai utusan. Maka bila tidak ada orang yang cerdik, sebaiknya dirimulah saja yang layak menjadi utusan.
10 - Jauhilah bersifat dusta, sebab dusta itu mudah dilakukan, bagaikan memakan daging burung, padahal sedikit sahaja berdusta itu telah memberikan akibat yang berbahaya.
11 - Hai anakku; bila engkau mempunyai dua pilihan, takziah orang mati atau hadir majlis perkahwinan,pilihlah untuk menziarahi orang mati, sebab ianya akan mengingatkanmu kepada kampung akhirat sedangkan menghadiri pesta perkahwinan hanya mengingatkan dirimu kepada kesenangan duniawi sahaja.
12 - Janganlah engkau makan sampai kenyang yang berlebihan, kerana sesungguhnya makan yang terlalu kenyang itu adalah lebih baiknya bila makanan itu diberikan kepada anjing sahaja.
13 - Hai anakku; janganlah engkau langsung menelan sahaja karena manisnya barang dan janganlah langsung memuntahkan saja pahitnya sesuatu barang itu, karena manis belum tentu menimbulkan kesegaran dan pahit itu belum tentu menimbulkan kesengsaraan.
14 - Makanlah makananmu bersama sama dengan orang orang yang takwa dan musyawarahlah urusanmu denganpara alim ulamak dengan cara meminta nasihat dari mereka.
15 - Hai anakku; bukanlah satu kebaikan namanya bilamana engkau selalu mencari ilmu tetapi engkau tidak pernah mengamalkannya. Hal itu tidak ubah bagaikan orang yang mencari kayu bakar, maka setelah banyak ia tidak mampu memikulnya, padahal ia masih mau menambahkannya.
16 - Hai anakku; bilamana engkau mahu mencari kawan sejati, maka ujilah terlebih dahulu dengan berpura-pura membuat dia marah. Bilamana dalam kemarahan itu dia masih berusaha menginsafkan kamu,maka bolehlah engkau mengambil dia sebagai kawan. Bila tidak demikian, maka berhati hatilah.
17 - Selalulah baik tuturkata dan halus budibahasamu serta manis wajahmu, dengan demikian engkau akan disukai orang melebihi sukanya seseorang terhadap orang lain yang pernah memberikan barang yang berharga.
18 - Hai anakku; bila engkau berteman, tempatkanlah dirimu padanya sebagai orang yang tidak mengharapkan sesuatu daripadanya. Namun biarkanlah dia yang mengharapkan sesuatu darimu.
19 - Jadikanlah dirimu dalam segala tingkahlaku sebagai orang yang tidak ingin menerima pujian atau mengharap sanjungan orang lain kerana itu adalah sifat riya~ yang akan mendatangkan cela pada dirimu
20 - Hai anakku; janganlah engkau condong kepada urusan dunia dan hatimu selalu disusahkan olah dunia saja kerana engkau diciptakan ALLAH bukanlah untuk dunia sahaja. Sesungguhnya tiada makhluk yang lebih hina daripada orang yang terpedaya dengan dunianya.
21 - Hai anakku; usahakanlah agar mulutmu jangan mengeluarkan kata kata yang busuk dan kotor serta kasar, kerana engkau akan lebih selamat bila berdiam diri. Kalau berbicara, usahakanlah agar bicaramu mendatangkan manfaat bagi orang lain.
22 - Hai anakku; janganlah engkau mudah ketawa kalau bukan kerana sesuatu yang menggelikan, janganlah engkau berjalan tanpa tujuan yang pasti, janganlah engkau bertanya sesuatu yang tidak ada guna bagimu,janganlah mensia- siakan hartamu.
23 - Barang sesiapa yang penyayang tentu akan disayangi, sesiapa yang pendiam akan selamat daripada berkata yang mengandungi racun, dan sesiapa yang tidak dapat menahan lidahnya dari berkata kotor tentu akan menyesal.
24 - Hai anakku; bergaullah rapat dengan orang yang alim lagi berilmu. Perhatikanlah kata nasihatnya kerana sesungguhnya sejuklah hati ini mendengarkan nasihatnya, hiduplah hati ini dengan cahaya hikmah dari mutiara kata katanya bagaikan tanah yang subur lalu disirami air hujan.
25 - Hai anakku; ambillah harta dunia sekadar keperluanmu sahaja, dan nafkahkanlah yang selebihnya untuk bekalan akhiratmu. Jangan engkau tendang dunia ini ke keranjang atau bakul sampah kerana nanti engkau akan menjadi pengemis yang membuat beban orang lain. Sebaliknya janganlah engkau peluk dunia ini serta meneguk habis airnya kerana sesungguhnya yang engkau makan dan pakai itu adalah tanah belaka. Janganlah engkau bertemankan dengan orang yang bersifat talam dua muka, kelak akan membinasakan dirimu.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Explore the World through reading

Kinokuniya, KLCC, my truly bookstore.Going crazy inside.Make sure to spend something for your mind's snacks..

Remember, you are what you read!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Suzuki Swift

My big brother just bought a new car, Suzuki Swift, pretty cool with Swift Sport Body kit, nice old number, hehe. But, a little bit afraid to drive it, well you know the 'new car phobia', seems like i just got my driving license last week!! Take a look(",)

It's about life

Whether we realize it or not, we are getting older as time goes by. Nothing to be concern except to make our life better from day to day. To be quoted, some of well known thinkers said that, man always seeking the best for their world, without realizing that the after life is much longer and even everlasting, we just take it for granted. I'm not saying I'm good enough to make this kind of 'speech', but it is more to a sincere sharing of good concern about this life. It's not wrong to find as much wealth in this world, but somehow make it as our priority is a big mistake to be said. Islam has highlighted on how we should treat this life.."Beribadahlah kamu seperti kamu akan mati esok hari, kejarlah kebahagian di dunia ini seumpama kamu akan hidup seribu tahun lagi." This statement clearly stated that we should be relevant in life. But, as what we can see nowadays, most of us, Muslim especially, have misplaced this statement, whereby we treat this world seems like we are immortal and not even bother the halal and haram in finding our true happiness in life. It's not as easy as ABC to put something in its place, but this is the reality.
Political leaders are sort of losing their mind when it comes to money and wealth matters. They are willing to put a bad word among themselves just to 'cover' their mistakes and eventually, they found that the time they take to argue about a silly thing has been used by our enemies in advance to keep looking for our weaknesses. I realy hope, the Malays leaders in particular, to realise that how critical their roles in our community, especially Malays. We have a much much bigger and important mission, to bring malays especially the teenagers in strenghten and empowering their mind from the new kind of colonialisme which attacked their heart through their mind. This is a very critical situation whereby, we are no longer being attacked through physical but through our mind, which can lead to a worst paralysed in developing our country. The teenagers should realise and be exposed in how critical they should consider this matter as the existing leaders are no longer able to handle the new types of problem that mostly related to the teenagers. Mat Rempit, Free Sex, Gangsterism, Drug abuse,Hidu gam, and many others are so weird to be concern by our logic thinking. But thosed things do happened out there.
Lastly, I just want to share a very simple quote taken from some reading of mine.."Menjadi pemimpin adalah beban di dunia dan penyesalan di akhirat"..We are all leaders.So, to all leaders, please remember that every single things under our supervision is our responsibilty. Anything that goes wrong is due to our own mistakes, unless we have put enough effort to make it right. Wallahua'lam

Monday, May 17, 2010

Life of a Hero

"When I came to America-boom!! First, I don't know English. And second, nobody knows me. When I walk on the street, nobody cares about me"-Jackie Chan

Unable to afford to feed him when he was a baby, Jackie's parents had considered selling him for US$26 (RM99) to the English obstetrician who delivered him. At the tender age of 7, Jackie was apprenticed at the Infamous Academy of Chinese Opera where for more than 10 years from 5 a.m. to midnight, 7 days a week Jackie endured a brutal programme of music, dance and traditional martial-art of training. The training that he received was so cruel, where students were beaten and starved for not performing up to par.
Later he appeared in some early Hong Kong films as a stuntman and worked his way up to stunt co-ordinator, then to director.

When Bruce Lee died, Jackie, along with many others, were picked to fill the vacuum. He failed miserably.

"Very hard, very hard," he said," so instead of being himself (Bruce Lee), I decided to be myself."

Today, Jackie is indisputably Hong Kong's biggest movie star and is currently making it big in the US with fees reaching up to US$50 million (RM190 million) a year!

Student Dilemma!!

A common sight nowadays, a small student carrying a huge load of books on his/her way to school. Are we getting more educated or more information?

At best, I.Q. contributes 20% to the factors that determine life's success, which leaves 80% to other factor, Emotional Intelligence(E.Q.)

Studies have shown there was very little correlation between a child's success in exam and his/her success in adult life.

In exam, no matter how much knowledge the student has, if he cannot put it all down on paper within a certain time limit, he may get an "F".

If I was given an option by god to be whether excellent in study or job, I strongly choose job..Pandai kerja lg bgus drpd pndai belajar tp tak tau pe, lg bgus dpt dua2,hehe.

Moral of the story, jd lah kita pakar dlm bidang masing2, any sort of knowledge..
Pakar buat roti canai, menyapu,pekebun, pemandu, even buruh skalipun, kalo pakar and cekap, confirm EXCELLENT!!


"O Allah, fill my heart with the serenity of faith. Make me one who is guided aright and guides others aright. Do not misguide me and do not make me misguided others aright. May it be pleasing to you to put my feet firm upon the the straight path. Amin Ya Rabb..

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Look after your ear


Hearing repaired, a device that restores hearing by transmitting sound through the teeth and bones. Patients don't even notice they're wearing it.

How it works?
A microphone in the deaf ear beams incoming sound to a receiver on the acrylic tooth insert (placed on either side), which transmit it through the jaw to the cochlea..However, this invention is much more complicated than the system given by God(:

Invention: Soundbite
Inventor: Amir Abolfathi
Cost: $19 million
Time: 4 years
Horizon: Prototype-0-0-Product

Know your SoyBean


Kidney’s Many Roles:

1. Cleaning the blood-Everyday, our kidneys filter out about 2 quarts (1.89 L) of waste products and extra water from about 200 quarts (189 L) of blood.

2. Balancing water volume-depending on body size, adults generally have around 7-8L of blood in the body.

3. Producing red blood cells- The kidney produces a hormone called ‘erythropoietin’ (EPO), which promotes the formation of red blood cells in bone marrow when the certain cells in the kidney detects there is sudden changes in oxygen levels in the blood.

4. Regulating blood pressure.

5. Preserving bone strength-Healthy kidneys produce a type of vitamin D known as calcitriol. Calcitriol is an active form of vitamin D that promotes calcium absorption from food into blood and bones. It works with the parathyroid hormone to maintain a normal balance of calcium in the body. Hypertension is a major risk factor for chronic kidney diseases.

When Kidneys Fail Completely…

End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is when the kidneys fail to function. But, there are treatment options available. If a person’s kidneys stop working completely, the body fills up with extra water and waste products. This condition is called uraemia. Hands or feet may swell, and the person will feel tired and weak because the body needs clean blood to function properly.


1. Dialysis- There are 2 major types of dialysis:

a. Haemodialysis- uses a special filter called a dialyser that functions as an artificial kidney to clean the blood. The dialyser is a canister connected to a haemodialysis machine. Take about 3-4 hours each time.

b. Peritoneal Dialysis(PD)-A dialysis solution is introduced into the abdomen to capture waste products from blood. After a few hours, the fluid is drained through a catheter. A fresh bag of fluid is then dripped into the abdomen to continue the cleansing process.

*Continuous Ambulatory PD-patients are required to change the fluid 4x a day.

*Continuous Cycling PD-can be performed at night with a machine that drains and refills the abdomen automatically.

2. Transplantation- A denoted kidney may come from an anonymous or known person who recently died or from a living person, usually a relative. The kidney must be a good match for the patient’s body. The more the new kidney matches that of the person receiving it, the less likely the immune system will be rejected.

1st move


Al- Fatihah

In the name of God, the infinitely Compassionate and Merciful. Praise be to God, Lord of all the worlds. The Compassionate, the Merciful, Ruler on the Day of Reckoning. You alone do we worship, and You alone do we ask for help. Guide us on the straight path, the path of those who received your grace; not the path of those who have brought down wrath, nor of those who wander astray. Amen.

“An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest”- Benjamin Franklin