OIC Countries

OIC Countries

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

It's about life

Whether we realize it or not, we are getting older as time goes by. Nothing to be concern except to make our life better from day to day. To be quoted, some of well known thinkers said that, man always seeking the best for their world, without realizing that the after life is much longer and even everlasting, we just take it for granted. I'm not saying I'm good enough to make this kind of 'speech', but it is more to a sincere sharing of good concern about this life. It's not wrong to find as much wealth in this world, but somehow make it as our priority is a big mistake to be said. Islam has highlighted on how we should treat this life.."Beribadahlah kamu seperti kamu akan mati esok hari, kejarlah kebahagian di dunia ini seumpama kamu akan hidup seribu tahun lagi." This statement clearly stated that we should be relevant in life. But, as what we can see nowadays, most of us, Muslim especially, have misplaced this statement, whereby we treat this world seems like we are immortal and not even bother the halal and haram in finding our true happiness in life. It's not as easy as ABC to put something in its place, but this is the reality.
Political leaders are sort of losing their mind when it comes to money and wealth matters. They are willing to put a bad word among themselves just to 'cover' their mistakes and eventually, they found that the time they take to argue about a silly thing has been used by our enemies in advance to keep looking for our weaknesses. I realy hope, the Malays leaders in particular, to realise that how critical their roles in our community, especially Malays. We have a much much bigger and important mission, to bring malays especially the teenagers in strenghten and empowering their mind from the new kind of colonialisme which attacked their heart through their mind. This is a very critical situation whereby, we are no longer being attacked through physical but through our mind, which can lead to a worst paralysed in developing our country. The teenagers should realise and be exposed in how critical they should consider this matter as the existing leaders are no longer able to handle the new types of problem that mostly related to the teenagers. Mat Rempit, Free Sex, Gangsterism, Drug abuse,Hidu gam, and many others are so weird to be concern by our logic thinking. But thosed things do happened out there.
Lastly, I just want to share a very simple quote taken from some reading of mine.."Menjadi pemimpin adalah beban di dunia dan penyesalan di akhirat"..We are all leaders.So, to all leaders, please remember that every single things under our supervision is our responsibilty. Anything that goes wrong is due to our own mistakes, unless we have put enough effort to make it right. Wallahua'lam


Anonymous said...

ko yg tulis eh??
mcm ayt ko je....hihihihi

thinkjauhari said...

yup,aku tulis,tp yg ayt last menjadi pemimpin adlah beban di dunia.... ha, yg ni Nik Aziz ckp,huhu