OIC Countries

OIC Countries

Monday, May 17, 2010

Student Dilemma!!

A common sight nowadays, a small student carrying a huge load of books on his/her way to school. Are we getting more educated or more information?

At best, I.Q. contributes 20% to the factors that determine life's success, which leaves 80% to other factor, Emotional Intelligence(E.Q.)

Studies have shown there was very little correlation between a child's success in exam and his/her success in adult life.

In exam, no matter how much knowledge the student has, if he cannot put it all down on paper within a certain time limit, he may get an "F".

If I was given an option by god to be whether excellent in study or job, I strongly choose job..Pandai kerja lg bgus drpd pndai belajar tp tak tau pe, lg bgus dpt dua2,hehe.

Moral of the story, jd lah kita pakar dlm bidang masing2, any sort of knowledge..
Pakar buat roti canai, menyapu,pekebun, pemandu, even buruh skalipun, kalo pakar and cekap, confirm EXCELLENT!!

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